Dear fellow Home educators
We are receiving so many questions and comments after yesterday’s parliamentary deliberations.
Uncertainty of what the process going forward entails and some just seeking assurance, being
overwhelmed by fear.
What happens next?
- The clauses will be rewritten to incorporate the changes decided upon. When this is finalised, the document (A-list) will be sent to the PCBE.
- The PCBE will meet to vote on the A-list on 1 September.
- Thereafter it will proceed to the National Council and from there to the National Council of Provinces (NCOP).
- The public has another chance to participate (details to follow but it will either be by public hearings or by written submissions).
- If approved, it is sent to the president to sign.
On public participation:
Cape Home Educators wrote to the Secretariat of the PCBE asking permission that participants be allowed to add written comments to our oral submissions at the public hearings, because 3 minutes was insufficient to deal with the complexities of the bill. We were refused on the grounds that participants all ready had the chance to make written submissions.
If those written submissions, 9 501 emails, have not been processed/included into the report, how can this process be deemed to be giving justice to the constitutional requirement of public participation? Then parliament is not facilitating public participation by considering EVERY submission.
We are awaiting the outcome regarding the unprocessed 9 501written submissions that had to be taken into account before the PCBE should have started their deliberations.
Clause 37 accepted as is:
Although it was decided to accept clause 37 “as is”, it will be reworded/rephrased to give clarity on certain details. It was decided that:
- the independent assessor can be any professionally accredited person appointed by the parent, including an educational psychologist.
- We have Mr. Ndlebe on record admitting that the DBE doesn’t know how to assess home educators.
- Home visits don’t have to be at home, it can be in a public place and will only be performed in exceptional circumstances.
- We have Mr. Ndlebe on record that the DBE don’t have the capacity to visit each home.
- In the definitions, the definition of Basic education will be changed to include freedom of curriculum choice.
- After each phase it must be demonstrated that learning took place in accordance with the curriculum followed. The curriculum must not be at a lower standard than CAPS.
Thank you to each home educator warrior who are still fighting with us. Don’t loose faith or hope!
I want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Mrs.Sukers from the ACDP, Mr. Nodada and Ms. Van Zyl from the DA and to Dr. Boshof from the Freedom Front+ for their ferocity in representing our concerns amidst very hostile deliberations.
Should we be fearful?
I’m reminded of the story of David and Goliath, in 1 Samuel 17. The similarities are evident.
The armies of Saul was defeated by fear, but David was indignant that Goliath dared to mock God. Be like David.
Go rest, be replenished in prayer, and then clothed with the armour of God, lets go forth bravely to honour God and defeat this giant.
Marietjie Ueckermann
Cape Home Educators
18 August 2023