Our Mission: The CHE is an organisation that consists of home educating families who choose to volunteer their time and service. The aim of CHE is to promote home education and support home educators in the Western Cape.
Why join the CHE?
- To meet, learn from, encourage and interact with others from all walks of life who have at least one common interest, the desire to home educate our children. We all know that home education takes dedication, commitment and much more. Interaction with others has many benefits. We can meet other home educators (who may live around the corner) by joining a common organisation.
- To stand as a group for events/outing (social and educational). The CHE also organizes a few events per year like the CHE Educational Expo, where curriculum providers and other educational orientated providers display their products and where respected speakers address the home school community.
- By Joining the CHE, we can keep you up to date with what is happening in the Department of Education and our negotiations with them. Whether each individual family decides to register or not, is a personal decision and not the business of CHE. Unfortunately, due to the history of home education in this country, many have been reticent to make themselves known as home educators. It is to your advantage not to be isolated should you need support in a time of uncertainty. Your membership with CHE will be kept confidential.
- There are huge advantages in joining or starting support groups in your area. Taking full responsibility for educating your children can be very stressful, so meeting with people who are going through the same joys or trials is very helpful. Lessons can be shared and group activities organised. If there is a support group already established, we can put you in touch with them, or if there is not, we can help you in starting one.
- We need your on-going involvement and support to enable us to serve you. We have all taken a conscious decision in favour of home schooling our children; let’s take a conscious step to build home education in South Africa. If we promote home education, there are probably many others who would join us if they knew the benefits and in the long run we all benefit from the strength of the home education community.
- We need to stand united as a body of people to show that we are organised, and that we cannot be ignored. No individual will ever be required by the association to make themselves known. All our data is held in confidence. We cannot act in your interests. Note that there are no paid employees or office bearers. Your contributions of time and money benefit all home educators directly. Office bearers are volunteers, and are elected at the AGM annually.
- The organisation does not exist to satisfy itself! It must serve its members and it is up to the members to be sure that it does.