SACSSA Regional Athletics Day 2025 – Cape Town

Registration for SACSSA’s regional athletics day in Cape Town is open!

Dates: 8 February 2025
Venue:  Laerskool Mikro
Time: 08h00 – 16h30
Costs: R205 per athlete (R215 for entries after 28 January, no entry after 30 January)
Entries close: 30 January 2025
Dress code: Plain white T-shirt with dark blue or black shorts. CHE will provide a CHE sticker for your t-shirt.
List of events per age group are available at

– if you’d like to volunteer as an official please let me know

Children born in 2006-2019 may enter.

Please complete the online registration at
You need to send proof of payment to within 24 hours to complete your registration.

EFT payments can be made to:
Bank: ABSA
Account name: Cape Home Educators
Account number: 4089098115
Type of account: Cheque account
Branch code: 632005
Reference: your email address

Entries close: 30 January 2025. Proof of payment needs to reach us no later than 31 January 2025.
No late entries will be accepted!!!!

General info:
1. Please ensure that you are at the venue 30 minutes before your child’s first event as you need to get the CHE sticker and the children need to be lined-up before being taken onto the field.
2. The CHE will have an area to all sit together. Look out for our CHE gazebos
3. Athletes only compete once (no finals are run at the regional meet)
4. The top 6 athletes from each event progress to the Provincial Meet in Mossel Bay on 9 August 2025. You need to enter and pay for this separately. We will send out results once it is available.
5. No medals are awarded at the Regional Meet as this is only a qualifier for the Provincial meet.

Dress code and stickers
– White shirt with dark blue or black shorts
– CHE sticker on left of chest (please collect your sticker at the CHE gazebos)
– Event stickers. Please note you need to provide your own event stickers. A separate sticker is needed for each event as the officials take these at the end of the event to determine placings.
Parents please ensure that athletes have their stickers on when they report for their events. Book name label stickers work well.

Please remember to bring a sticker/label for each event your child(ren) will be taking part in. If you forget we will be selling stickers/labels at R5 each.

Please note the stickers for each child also needs to show their school (in our case Cape Home Educators). Example:
John Doe 10 years
Cape Home Educators
Long jump

Age is their age on 31 December 2025 eg for children born in 2015 it will be 10. If the student is 9 turning 10 this year, he/she is 10 years old! AGE GROUP 16 AND 17 ARE ENTERED AS 17 (Youth). AGE GROUP 18 AND 19 ARE ENTERED AS 19 (Junior).

We need to provide an official for every 6 athletes entered. We have added a R50 officials fee to the entry fee to rent officials. Please help us by volunteering as an official (you will then be paid for the day’s work).

Officials please wear a white shirt and white/navy/black pants.

Mossel Bay Regional Athletics

18 January 2025
Contact to enter

SACSSA Regional Athletics Meet 2018

The 14th February 2018 was once again time for all our homeschool athletes to compete at the SACSSA Regional Athletics Day against other Christian Schools in the Peninsula. In true Cape Town fashion right now, the temperature was a scorcher, but our athletes came out tops in events ranging from 60m, long distance, shot put, javelin etc… A huge thanks to all the young ones who competed, and to those involved in making it such a success.

Below are some photos, but we know everyone has phones and cameras on them, so if you have some more photos, please email them to lizelle.rademeyer at