It is time to sharpen your pencils or more accurately, flex your fingers. The Portfolio Committee on Basic Education has decided to call for public comments on the BELA Bill. Written comments can now be submitted and must reach parliament by 15 June 2022 at 16:00.

We have prepared the attached template (with extra information as a guide) to assist you in writing your comments. We also have a simplified version for kids. Their comments are just as valid as those of adults.
I know there are concerns regarding making your personal details known, but we are now writing to parliament and not the DBE. The role of parliament is to listen to and represent the people. They will not share your details with the relevant department at the DBE or PED as this will undermine the purpose of public engagement. Your voice is most powerful when you can share from personal experience how home education has benefited your family and what implications the proposed regulations will have on you.
Address your comments to Mrs. BP Mbinqo-Gigaba (chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education) and send your submission to Mr. Llewellyn Brown (the committee secretary) via email to
Please Bcc us at We would like to keep a tally of the comments submitted.
Please do not send your submission anonymously or in a group. Group submissions count as 1 vote, the same is true of petitions.
I would encourage you to use the Pestalozzi Trust’s system to submit your comments. It allows home educators to keep track of the number of submissions sent and it will show if any email is deleted, undelivered or unopened. Your information will be treated according to the POPI act and will thus not be shared with anyone other than the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education. Click here for the submissions page.
Click here for the latest draft of the BELA Bill.
1 Comment
BELA Bill Comments Submitted – Cape Home Educators · May 31, 2022 at 9:25 am
[…] We share your concerns about the impact the BELA Bill will have on home education and we will continue to engage with government, the Western Cape Education departments and the Department of Basic Education. We do need your assistance in this regard and ask that you submit your comments based on your personal experience. If you need some guidance in writing your comments you can find it here. […]
Comments are closed.